Ahh, the office. We used to complain about it when we had it, but, like an old worn jumper, we miss its comfort, warmth, and predictability. Although 2020 has changed our daily life beyond recognition, office life will return at some point for most of us. Until then, let’s list our top 5 things we’re missing about office life (plus a silver lining too):
1 . After-work drinks. Like many of the things we took for granted, popping to the pub at 5.01 pm for a pint and gossip was the fabric of office life. Having a bottle over a video call just doesn’t quite match up with finding out who the boss has been spotted with.
2. Walking around a large space. Remember corridors? Sometimes we were feeling lazy and couldn’t be bothered walking all the way to HR across the building but we miss that exercise now, don’t we?
3 . Office banter. Most of us have our tightknit group of work buddies, who we wisecrack the day away with. Through the good times and the bad, our work family has been there for us with a shoulder to cry on, and a brew at the ready.
4. The commute. We never thought we’d say it, but having that time to reflect and clear the cobwebs before we walk through the door is really important. Otherwise, the lines between work and home get very blurred. Try walking around your garden before turning your computer on in the morning (just not in your PJs).
5. Business Casual. There is something pleasing about wearing a suit or a nice business casual outfit, after all look good feel good.
6. The office tea round. You knew how Sandra liked her coffee, and everyone knew which mug was yours. Now you have to get your own cup of tea and it just isn’t right. Probably the most British reason of all to get back into the office.
All isn’t lost though. While your workforce is beavering away from home, consider using this time for an office refurbishment. Most places need one and don’t get the chance. If you’re looking for a construction and fit-out company in London, get in touch with Virtus today and see how we can refit your office to make it COVID-compliant and shipshape for your workforce.