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With lockdown restrictions having been lifted and the UK’s Covid vaccination programme soaring forwards, London is starting to return to normal. For the last 18 months, the capital has been a shadow of its former self, its deserted streets and empty office spaces reminding many of the post-apocalyptic scenes that you’d see in a Hollywood blockbuster.

Now, though, the regular hustle and bustle of the daily commute has returned, and the buzz of working alongside

With lockdown restrictions having been lifted and the UK’s Covid vaccination programme soaring forwards, London is starting to return to normal. For the last 18 months, the capital has been a shadow of its former self, its deserted streets and empty office spaces reminding many of the post-apocalyptic scenes that you’d see in a Hollywood blockbuster.

Now, though, the regular hustle and bustle of the daily commute has returned, and the buzz of working alongside other people in an office, rather than home alone, is back.

That’s not to say, though, that we’re back to “normality”. For some, there are still reservations about working in close confines with others while Covid is still a threat. For others, hybrid working is now the norm, so being back in an office can feel very different.

Businesses across London, as a result, are using this time as an opportunity for an office refurbishment. Fit out companies in London are being called in to revamp workspaces, and its easy to see why. With the demand for talent soaring but supply at its lowest in several years, companies want to do what they can to make their staff happy, and therefore more likely to stay. Whether it’s construction companies for a more significant refit or designers for less structural works, here’s how some offices are changing to meet post-COVID needs.

Embracing hybrid working

For some employers, the days of everyone having their own assigned desk have gone. Instead, some companies are embracing the hotdesking approach: allowing individuals to come in and decide on the day where they want to sit. After such a long period of working from home, you may find that some staff will prefer working more in isolation, while some will relish being back in an open plan office. Be sure to consult with your staff about their preferred working arrangements so you can create spaces that suit everyone.

Maintaining social distancing

Do you have team members that are worried about being in close contact with people? If you have an open plan office, this could be a struggle. Screens or dividers between desks can be one option – or if you have multiple rooms, consider switching one room into a more socially distanced space – particularly if you have fewer team members in the office on any given day.

Company culture

The most important thing when instructing your main contractor on an office refurb is to bear company culture in mind. Particularly with hybrid working, it’s important that your culture and values can be maintained – and this may impact on how you use your space. Full consultations with managers and staff about their working preferences and any changes they want to see will ensure that you’ve got a space that completely meets your needs, as well as improving staff happiness, morale and productivity.

For more information on how we can help you create your perfect post-COVID office space, contact Virtus Contracts today.

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